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Discover How to Safely Dispose Home-Generated Sharps

Discover How to Safely Dispose Home-Generated Sharps

Date: November 5, 2021

The number of home-generated sharps is anticipated to increase by 300% over the next 10 years and protecting our communities and healthcare workers against the potential of accidental needlestick injuries is more important than ever.

For most patients administering at-home injections, it can be confusing to determine how to properly dispose of their used needles. Fortunately, there are several options available in most communities throughout the United States. Be sure and check State Disposal Guidelines to ensure you’re following correct protocol.

Box Drop and Collection Sites

Collection sites such as a doctor’s office, pharmacy, hospital, medical waste facility, and even police or fire departments can be a convenient option. Most often this service is free of charge. Sharps should be disposed in an FDA-cleared sharps container. If you do not have access to a sharps container, place the sharps in a puncture resistant container with a tightly secured screw-on lid and label the container SHARPS/DO NOT RECYCLE.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Sites

Household hazardous waste collection sites are also available in many communities, some may be free of charge and others may charge a small fee. Sharps should be disposed in an FDA-cleared sharps container. If you do not have access to a sharps container, place the sharps in a puncture resistant container with a tightly secured screw-on lid and label the container SHARPS/DO NOT RECYCLE.

Residential Special Waste Pickup Services

Trained medical waste professionals pickup used sharps in a large container, similar to a recycling container – either with a regular scheduled pick-up, or upon request.


Mail-back programs are available for purchase online or at a pharmacy. Today’s programs are not covered by insurance and range from $30 - $50. They include an FDA-cleared sharps container and pre-paid return shipping box for shipment to a medical waste facility. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions for specific packing and shipping requirements.

If you’re looking for a convenient, all-in-one solution, our patented and proprietary UltiGuard® Safe Pack is the only system to conveniently dispense and safely contain sharps for proper disposal in an FDA-cleared sharps container. UltiGuard Safe Pack is available in a variety of sizes for both pen needles and insulin syringes. And, is compliant with sharps disposal guidelines in all 50 states.

Choosing UltiGuard Safe Pack helps protect our community, safeguard children and pets from needlestick injuries, and remove harmful medical waste from the environment. Since 2015, UltiGuard Safe Pack has kept over 500 million pen needles and syringes out of the public waste stream, protecting our community and healthcare workers from accidental needlestick injuries and the potential spread of infectious disease.

Sources: PRWeb and CDC

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